Google+ Share button and Google AdWords for Video

There is a couple of interesting things happening in the social media world this week. First Google introduces the Google+ Share button, and Google also introduces Google AdWords for Video.  Google + Share The new button enables website operators to more easily encourage visitors to spread content among connections on Google’s social network. It’s the […]

Creating effective videos for online marketing

We don’t really talk much about using online videos as a marketing tool, but we should. Recently we had a client asking us to do a series of training videos which we intend to use to assist them with their brand marketing and search marketing. Here are some pointers to look for when creating these […]

Managing your brand and brand marketing in a crisis

We don’t do a lot of crisis management for our clients at Evolution Point. In our 14+ year history, we have to assist only one of clients with crisis management. When something goes wrong in the company (and it always will eventually), how does a company retain brand loyalty? Think about BP and the Gulf […]